Role of Virtual Classrooms in Learning due to Forced Transition to Online Learning during Pandemic
Mamta Pal
In this 21st century, we made a lot of progress in all fields. But also this progress could not save us from the ill effects of pandemic COVID-19. All the sectors were badly hit including education leading to the closure of schools…
Seema Alawa (A.S.P.)
The Covid19 pandemic created social disturbance and altered norms for all members of the society but the impact on the first responders have been particularly profound police department have been expected to coordinate lock down implementation, compulsion of mask, encourage…
दिल्ली महिला आयोग : ढाई दशक बाद भी महिलाओं से दूर
डॉ. अनु चौहान डॉ. आतिश पराशर
दिल्ली महिला आयोग का गठन वर्ष 1994 में हुआ था। दिल्ली सरकार द्वारा पारित दिल्ली महिला आयोग अधिनियम -1994 के अंतर्गत गठित यह आयोग पिछले 26 सालों से राजधानी में महिलाओं के अधिकारों की रक्षा के साथ-साथ उनके सम्मान व सशक्तिकरण के लिए नीति निर्माण में योगदान…
Credibility of media in society
Jyoti Mehra
The media in India to become an effective voice of the people in governance must be administratively and financially autonomous. What is expected of a responsible media is- to report news in-depth without opinions…
Impact of social media news during pandemic
Areeb Fatima
In the social web scenario, where large amounts of user-generated content are disseminated through social media, the risk of encountering disinformation is not negligible. Therefore, assessing and undermining the credibility of both…
Effect of Fake News during COVID-19
This study developed a predictive model that established the user motivational factors that predict COVID-19 fake news sharing on social media. The partial least squares structural equation modelling…
Women in Media: Challenges and Opportunities
Nidhi Gahlot
Journalism is considered as an important part of a democratic set up. Although there are many women working in the media industry but there is a lack of uncompromising women journalists in the media industry which is why the sector is generally regarded…
Online Education in Pandemic: Trends and Challenges
The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on every aspect of society. It has caused profound disruption to the education system as governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Face-to-face classes have been cancelled and moved online…
Cyber Crimes Before and After COVID-19
Paridhi Chouhan
The prime goal of the research is to investigate if the cyber-crime has been risen during corona virus. People are using more internet and electronic device in this pandemic time in the purpose of to perform their works those are possible through internet, as they are unable to go of 25 questions. In these…
महिलाओं के प्रति यौन दुर्व्यवहार की मीडिया में प्रस्तुति
ज्योति गिरि
आधुनिक दौर में मीडिया समाज में घटित समस्याओं, जानकारियों को उद्घाटित करने से अधिक हर महत्वपूर्ण विषय पर निर्णायक भूमिका को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। सूचना, विश्लेषण तथा तथ्यों के उद्घाटन की जगह निर्णायक भूमिका में दिखती है। इस कार्यप्रणाली में आये परिवर्तन का रुख…