Current Events Journals

April-June, 2022

Preface and Index

Inside the last 20 to 25 years, courses in techniques for social exploration have come to possess an undeniably significant job in humanistic educational plans. It likely that at present each significant college offers such courses…

  1. The Role of social media and Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: A Study on FacebookFathima Sarmila Latheef

    Ethnic conflict is one of the contemporary era’s significant problems. As Sri Lanka is a multi-cultural, multi-religious country, it has profound cultural differences between communities. As a result of those differences, many crises…

  2. Future library and library professionals: perspectives of library servicesManendra Kumar Singh and Dr. Dheeraj Kumar

    The hallmark of future public libraries, meanwhile, will be known for its hyper-connectivity. It will reflect our increasing reliance on social media, streaming content, and open-source data. The definition of a library is already change in term of technology…

  3. Tracing the Development of Public Health Communication and its Significance in the Indian ContextHari Krishna Singh

    Health communication is to encourage and sustain healthy behaviours and attitudes throughout time in order to achieve beneficial health outcomes in ways that the target population can connect to and follow…

  4. Male Rape: An Unpalatable RealityMrs. Arushi Gaur Chauhan

    Rape is a crime that strikes at a person’s dignity and honour. India has experienced several rape incidents that have risen to the level of a national crisis, prompting many citizens to demonstrate their support for tighter rape laws…

  5. A Study of an Influence of social media among studentsMrs. N. Harini and Mr. D. Chinnadurai

    Social media is a web-based technology which helps people to accesses all kind of information in an around the globe. It helps to grasp information all over the world. In the current pandemic situation, students spend most…

  6. Does size of an advertisement effect in recall value- train wraps vs inside metro advertisement in Delhi MetroMs. Himani Sharma

    This study explores if the size of an advertisement helps in recall value of an advertisement. The researcher wants to determine if size of an advertisement effects the recall value. For this purpose, two types of advertisements…

  7. Feminism in Mainstream Hindi Cinema – Content Analysis of Parched & Lipstick Under My BurkhaMs. Jasveni Kaur

    In today’s technology driven word, directors and film makers tries their best to keep up with the taste and expectations of the audience and maintain the pace of change, so as not to get out of league or outdated…

  8. Social Media Addiction among AdolescentsDr. S. Joyce Jeyarani

    Adolescence is a transitional period involving many biological, psychological and social development and changes. Social Media becomes a prime one in adolescents’ lives. Social media allows teens to create online identities…

  9. The Portrayal of LGBTQ Community in Indian Web Series: Thematic Analysis of the “Married Woman & Four More Shots Dr Pallavi Mishra and Ms. Kritika Sharma

    The OTT (over-the-top) video platforms are rising as the consumers are spiking in India. While local streaming services such as Hotstar and Jio Cinema have grown in popularity, global players such as Netflix and Amazon…

  10. Countering misinformation during elections in IndiaMs. Neha Jain and Dr. Anand Kumar Tripathi

    Countering the menace caused by the spread of fake news has remained a tedious task, and thus, it is indeed important to understand the phenomenon of dis-information and fake news. The terms fake news, misinformation…

  11. Critical Issues in GST on Logistic Cost in Fertilizer IndustryDr. R. K Shukla and Mr. Sanjeev Lohani

    Fertilizer sector plays a very significant role in the development of our nation. The Indian fertilizer industry is expected to develop rapidly. The logistics costs in fertilizer sector India are very much high…

  12. Kashmir in the Cinematic Universe of Vidhu Vinod Chopra:  A Study on Khamosh (1986), Mission Kashmir (2000) and Shikara (2020) Dr. Pompi Sharma Raychaudhuri

    This paper explores the paradigm shift in the depiction of Kashmir in Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s cinematic universe across four decades. The study is based on the analysis of three of his films based in Kashmir…

  13. Gender narratives in ‘New Normal’ information ageDr. Junali Deka

    In a bid to interpret the narratives as experienced and shared by female learners in online technology-mediated communication, the present study aims to explore the use of online e learning platforms…

  14. COVID’s contribution to forming young minds through exposure to the InternetMs. Ayushi Tiwari

    The enhancement in technology since generations and its up-gradation has made our lives turn into an easier phase. We step out of our work and take the help of technology which is supported by the internet…

  15. भारतीय डायस्पोरा में सोशल मीडिया और सोशल नेटवर्किंग का योगदान  बृजेश कुमार सिंह 

    विश्व के प्रत्येक देश विदेशों में बसे अपने मूल नागरिकों से जुड़े रहने और उन्हें अपनी स्वभूमि से सांस्कृतिक रूप से जोड़ने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं । भारत के लिए यह एक बड़ी ज़िम्मेदारी भी है कि वह प्रवासीय भारतीयों को अपने मूल देश से जोड़े रखें, जिसके लिए तमाम प्रयास…

  16. समकालीन हिंदी कविताओं में आदिवासी जीवनडॉ. शिराजोदीन

    भारत के परिप्रेक्ष्य में हमेशा से चर्चा का विषय रहा है कि यहाँ के मूल निवासी कौन हैं? कुछेक विद्वानों और इतिहासकारों का मानना है कि यहाँ के मूल निवासी द्रविड़ हैं तो कुछेकों ने आर्यों को माना हैं। लेकिन इन विवादों के बीच एक और धड़ा है जो कि आदिवासियों…

  17. सामाजिक दृष्टि में किन्नर’: एक विश्लेषण प्रिया सिंह  एवं डॉ. शार्दूल विक्रम सिंह

    भारतीय समाज में लिंग के आधार पर भेदभाव की जड़ें हमेशा से ही मजबूत रही हैं। लैंगिक भेदभाव से पीड़ित महिलाओं के अतिरिक्त समाज का एक वर्ग और है, जो समाज में उपस्थित होते हुए भी अपने अस्तित्व एवं अस्मिता के लिए संघर्षरत है। ‘हिजड़ा समुदाय’…

Ram Shankar